sc-Epigenomics: Histone modifications
Software tools
ChromSCape | Ref | R | Single-Cell Chromatin Landscape profiling, analysis of sparse single-cell chromatin profiling datasets in a Shiny App |
CUT&RUNTools 2.0 | Ref | Pipeline for single-cell and bulk-level CUT&RUN and CUT&Tag data analysis | |
Dr.seq2 | Ref | R, Python | Quality control and analysis pipeline for parallel single cell transcriptome and epigenome data (including scATAC-seq and Drop-ChIP data) |
scChromHMM | Ref | Rust | Fast and efficient tool to perform a genome wide Single cell Chromatin State Analysis using multimodal histone modification data |
SCRAT | Ref | R | Single-Cell Regulome Analysis Tool (ATAC-seq, DNase-seq, ChIP-seq) |
sc-Epigenomics: Chromatin accessibility
Software tools from SCOG partners
BAVARIA | Ref | Python | Batch-adversarial variational auto-encoder for simultaneous dimensionality reduction and integration of single-cell ATAC-seq datasets |
ChraccR | Ref | R | Tools for the comprehensive analysis of (single cell) chromatin accessibility data, methods for data quality control, exploratory analyses and the identification and characterization of differentially accessible regions |
epiScanpy | Ref | Python | Computational framework for the analysis of single-cell DNA methylation and single-cell ATAC-seq data |
scipipeline | Snakemake | Pipeline for processing single-cell combinatorial indexing ATAC seq data | |
scOpen | Ref | Python | Chromatin-accessibility estimation of single-cell ATAC data |
scregseg | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Single-cell regulatory landscape segmentation, tool that facilitates the analysis of single cell ATAC-seq data by an HMM-based segmentation algorithm |
Further software tools
ALLCools | Ref | Python | ALL methyl-Cytosine tools, Toolkit for single-cell DNA methylation analysis |
Alleloscope | Ref | R | Method for allele-specific copy number estimation that can be applied to single cell DNA and ATAC sequencing data |
APEC | Ref | Python | Accessibility Pattern-based Epigenomic Clustering, single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis toolkit |
ArchR | Ref | R | Full-featured R package for processing and analyzing single-cell ATAC-seq data, providing the most extensive suite of scATAC-seq analysis tools and excelling in both speed and resource usage. ArchR also supports paired scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq analysis. |
ATAC-CoGAPS | Ref | R | Framework to enable cross-study and cross-platform analysis of multiple scATAC-seq data sets through the application of the Bayesian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithm CoGAPS in conjunction with the transfer learning program project R. |
AtacWorks | Ref | Python | Deep learning toolkit for coverage track denoising and peak calling from low-coverage or low-quality ATAC-Seq data. |
BIRD | Ref | C++, R | Big data Regression for predicting DNase I hypersensitivity, Software to predict chromatin accessibility based on gene expression data (scRNA-seq) |
Brockman | Ref | R | Brockman Representation Of Chromatin by K-mers in Mark-Associated Nucleotides, tool for exploratory data analysis for highdimensional or single cell epigenomics |
ChromA | Ref | Python | Chromatin Landscape Annotation Tool, probabilistic model to annotate chromatin regions into accessible or inaccessible, open or closed, based on their ATACseq profile. ChromA can process bulk datasets, single-cell or integrate information from a combination of both |
ChromVAR | Ref | R | Analysis of sparse chromatin accessibility data from single cell or bulk ATAC or DNAse-seq data |
Cicero | Ref | R | Tools for analyzing single-cell chromatin accessibility experiments |
cisTopic | Ref | R | Simultaneously identify cell states and cis-regulatory topics from single cell epigenomics data |
Copy-scAT | Ref | R | Copy number variant inference with single-cell ATAC seq, R package that uses single-cell epigenomic data to infer copy number variants (CNVs) that define cancer cells |
CoRE-ATAC | Ref | Classification of Regulatory Elements with ATAC-seq, deep learning model for the functional classification of regulatory elements from single cell and bulk ATAC-seq data | |
DC3 | Ref | Python | De-Convolution and Coupled-Clustering, method for the joint analysis of various bulk and single-cell data such as HiChIP, RNA-seq and ATAC-seq from the same heterogeneous cell population |
deNOPA | Ref | Python | decoding nucleosome organization profile based on ATAC-seq data, prediction of nucleosome position with ultrasparse ATAC-seq data (single-cell data) |
Destin | Ref | R | Toolkit for single-cell analysis of chromatin accessibility, scATAC-seq processing and cell clustering pipeline |
Dr.seq2 | Ref | R, Python | Quality control and analysis pipeline for parallel single cell transcriptome and epigenome data (including scATAC-seq and Drop-ChIP data) |
EpiAnno | Ref | Python | Cell type annotation of single-cell epigenomic data via supervised Bayesian embedding |
epiConv | Ref | R | Algorithm to cluster scATAC-seq data and detect differentially accessible peaks, epiConv learns the similarities (or distances) between single cells from their raw Tn5 insertion profiles by a convolution-based approach |
FITs | Ref | Python | Forest of Imputation Trees, method to impute highly sparse and noisy data-sets from single cell epigenome profiling |
MAESTRO | Ref | Snakemake | Model-based AnalysEs of Transcriptome and RegulOme, a comprehensive open-source computational workflow for the integrative analyses of scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data from multiple platforms |
MEDEA | Ref | Python | Motif Enrichment in Differential Elements of Accessibility, analysis of transcription factor binding motifs in accessible chromatin |
proATAC | Python | Preprocessing pipeline for (sc)ATAC data, toolkit that performs robust and scalable preprocessing of ATAC-Seq data and implements the Buenrostro lab’s data processing and quality control pipeline for bulk ATAC-Seq, single cell ATAC-Seq, and droplet-based ATAC-Seq. | |
RA3 | Ref | R | Reference-guided Approach for the Analysis of single-cell chromatin Acessibility data, analysis of high-dimensional and sparse single-cell epigenetic data using a reference-guided approach |
scABC | Ref | R | Unsupervised clustering and analysis of scATAC-seq data |
SAILER | Ref | Python | Scalable and accurate invariant representation learning for single-cell ATAC-seq processing and integration |
SCALE | Ref | Python | Single-cell ATAC-seq analysis via Latent feature Extraction |
SCAN-ATAC-Sim | Ref | C++ | Scalable and efficient method for simulating single-cell ATAC-seq data from bulk-tissue experiments |
Scasat | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Single cell ATAC-seq preprocessing and analysis pipeline |
scATAC-pro | Ref | Perl | Comprehensive tool for processing, analyzing and visualizing single cell chromatin accessibility sequencing data |
SCATE | Ref | R | Single-cell ATAC-seq Signal Extraction and Enhancement, adaptively integrates information from co-activated cis regulatory regions, similar cells, and publicly available regulome data |
scBasset | Ref | Python | Sequence-based convolutional neural network method to model scATAC data |
scBFA | Ref | R | Modeling detection patterns to mitigate technical noise in large-scale single cell genomics data (scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq) |
scDEC | Ref | Computational tool for single cell ATAC-seq analysis with deep generative neural networks | |
scFAN | Ref | Python | Single-cell factor analysis network, predicting transcription factor binding in single cells through deep learning |
SCRAT | Ref | R | Single-Cell Regulome Analysis Tool (ATAC-seq, DNase-seq, ChIP-seq) |
Signac | Ref | R | Signac is an extension of Seurat for the analysis, interpretation, and exploration of single-cell chromatin datasets |
simATAC | Ref | R | single-cell ATAC-seq simulation framework, providing a robust and systematic approach to generate in silico scATAC-seq samples with cell labels for a comprehensive tool assessment |
SnapATAC | Ref | R, Python | Single Nucleus Analysis Pipeline for ATAC-seq |
SOMatic | Ref | C++, R | Novel approach using self-organizing maps (SOM) to link scATAC-seq regions with scRNA-seq genes |
STREAM | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Single-cell Trajectories Reconstruction, Exploration And Mapping, interactive pipeline capable of disentangling and visualizing complex branching trajectories from both single-cell transcriptomic and epigenomic data |
TimeReg | Ref | Matlab | Time course regulatory analysis from paired gene expression and chromatin accessibility time course data |
UniPath | Ref | R | Uniform approach for pathway and gene-set based analysis of heterogeneity in single-cell epigenome and transcriptome profiles |
sc-Epigenomics: HiC
Software tools from SCOG partners
scHiCExplorer | Ref | Python | Single cell Hi-C data analysis toolbox, set of programs to process, normalize, analyse and visualize single-cell Hi-C data |
Scool | Ref | Python | New data storage format for single-cell Hi-C data |
Further software tools
Bhmem | Ref | Java | A mapping tool for Methyl-HiC and single-cell Methyl-HiC based on bwa |
deTOKI | Ref | Python | decode TAD boundaries that keep chromatin interaction insulated (deTOKI) from ultra-sparse Hi-C data using NMF, tool for identification of chromatin topologically associating domains (TAD) in single cells |
DPDchrom | Ref | Python | Dissipative particle dynamics for chromosome simulations, reconstruction of 3D conformation of chromatin fiber using single cell Hi-C data |
GiniQC | Ref | Python | Tool for single-cell Hi-C quality control which quantifies unevenness in the distribution of inter-chromosomal reads in the scHi-C contact matrix to measure the level of noise |
hickit | Ref | C | TAD calling, phase imputation, 3D modeling and more for diploid single-cell Hi-C (Dip-C) and general Hi-C |
HiCImpute | Ref | R | A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying Structural Zeros and Enhancing Single Cell Hi-C Data | | Ref | Python | Fast comparison of Hi-C contact matrices in Python |
NucProcess | Ref | Python | Chromatin contact paired-read single-cell Hi-C processing module for Nuc3D and NucTools |
scHiCluster | Ref | Python | single-cell clustering algorithm for Hi-C contact matrices that is based on imputations using linear convolution and random walk |
scHiCSRS | Ref | R | Self-Representation Smoothing Method with Gaussian Mixture Model for Imputing single cell Hi-C Data |
scHiCTools | Ref | Python | Computational toolbox for analyzing single cell Hi-C data |
SCL | Ref | C++ | Single-Cell Lattice, lattice-based approach to infer 3D chromosome structures from single-cell Hi-C data |
SnapHiC | Ref | Python | Single Nucleus Analysis Pipeline for Hi-C Data, method that can identify chromatin loops at high resolution and accuracy from scHi-C data |
sc-Epigenomics: DNA methylation
Software tools from SCOG partners
BEAT | Ref | R | BS-Seq Epimutation Analysis Toolkit, model-based analysis of single-cell methylation data |
DeepCpG | Ref | Python | Accurate prediction of single-cell DNA methylation states using deep learning |
epiScanpy | Ref | Python | Computational framework for the analysis of single-cell DNA methylation and single-cell ATAC-seq data |
Further software tools
BPRMeth | Ref | R | package that quantifies methylation profiles by generalized linear model regression – supports single cell methylation data, using a Bernoulli likelihood |
CaMelia | Ref | Python | CAtboost-based method for predicting MEthyLatIon stAtes, imputation in single-cell methylomes based on local similarities between cells |
csmFinder | Ref | R | Package for identifying putative cell-subset specific DNA methylation (pCSM) loci from single-cell or bulk methylomes |
Epiclomal | Ref | Python | Probabilistic clustering of sparse single-cell DNA methylation data |
EpiSCORE | Ref | R | Epigenetic cell-type deconvolution from Single-Cell Omic Reference profiles, exploits the tissue-specific single-cell RNA-Sequencing atlases to construct corresponding tissue-specific DNA methylation references. |
MAPLE | Ref | R | Methylome Association by Predictive Linkage to Expression, R package for predicting gene activity level for single cell DNA Methylation data |
Melissa | Ref | R | MEthyLation Inference for Single cell Analysis, bayesian blustering and imputation of single cell methylomes |
MethylStar | Ref | Python | Fast and robust pre-processing pipeline for bulk or single-cell whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data |
PDclust | Ref | R | Analytical strategy to define single-cell DNA methylation states through pairwise comparisons of single-CpG methylation measurements |
scAge | Ref | Python | Profiling epigenetic age in single cells, tool inherently leverages the relationship between DNA methylation in bulk samples and chronological age to predict epigenetic age in intrinsically sparse and binarized single-cell data |
scBS-map | Ref | Perl | Single-cell Bisulfite Sequencing Data Mapping, tool to perform quality control and local alignment of bisulfite sequencing data, chimerical molecule determination and MR removal |
scMET | Ref | R | Bayesian modelling of DNA methylation heterogeneity at single-cell resolution |
SINBAD | Ref | R | Pipeline for processing SINgle cell Bisulfite sequencing samples and Analysis of Data, including preprocessing, read mapping, methylation quantification, multivariate analysis, and gene signature profiling |
Software tools from SCOG partners
ADImpute | Ref | R | Prediction of unmeasured gene expression values from single cell RNA-sequencing data (dropout imputation), R-package combines multiple dropout imputation methods |
cardelino | Ref | R | Integrating whole exomes and single-cell transcriptomes to reveal phenotypic impact of somatic variants |
CellRank | Ref | Python | Probabilistic fate mapping using RNA velocity |
COMUNET | Ref | R | COmmunication exploration with MUltiplex NETworks, tool to explore and visualize intercellular communication (e.g. in in single-cell transcriptomic datasets) |
CrossTalkeR | Ref | R | Framework for network analysis and visualisation of LR interactions, based on single cell RNA-seq data |
CSS | Ref | R | Cluster Cimilarity Spectrum, unsupervised reference-free (scRNA-seq) data representation, integration of single-cell genomics data e.g. across experimental conditions and individuals |
cyclone | Ref | R | Computational assignment of cell-cycle stage from single-cell transcriptome data |
DCA | Ref | Python | Deep Count Autoencoder, denoising of scRNA-seq datasets |
destiny | Ref | R | Diffusion maps for high-dimensional single-cell analysis of differentiation data |
DistMap | Ref | R | Spatial mapping of single cell RNA sequencing data by using an existing reference database of in situs |
DTUrtle | Ref | R | Differential transcript usage (DTU) analysis of bulk or single-cell RNA-seq data |
i2dash.scrnaseq | Ref | R | i2dash extension for single-cell RNA-sequencing data, enables an enhanced user interactivity and contains simple but effective tools for the creation of an i2dashboard with focus on scRNA-seq data visualization and exploration |
FateID | Ref | R | Algorithm for the inference of cell fate bias in multipotent progenitors from singe-cell RNA-seq data |
kBET | Ref | R | k-nearest neighbour Batch Effect Test, R package to test for batch effects in high-dimensional single-cell RNA sequencing data |
MCA | Ref | R | Multiresolution Correlation Analysis, a graphical tool for subpopulation identification in single-cell gene expression data |
MERLoT | Ref | R | MEthod for Reconstructing Lineage tree Topologies using scRNA-seq data |
netSmooth | Ref | R | R/Bioconductor package for network smoothing of single cell RNA sequencing data |
novoSpaRc | Ref | Python | de novo Spatial Reconstruction of Single-Cell Gene Expression |
PAGA | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Graph abstraction reconciles clustering with trajectory inference through a topology preserving map of single cells (available within Scanpy) |
PiGx scRNAseq | Ref | snakemake | Pipeline for analysis of Dropseq single cell RNA-seq data |
powsimR | Ref | R | Power analysis for bulk and single cell RNA-seq experiments |
RaceID3 | Ref | R | Algorithm for rare cell type identification from single-cell RNA-seq data |
Scanpy | Ref | Python | Single-Cell Analysis in Python, scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression data including preprocessing, visualization, clustering, pseudotime and trajectory inference and differential expression testing |
scCODA | Ref | Python | Single-cell differential composition analysis, allows for identification of compositional changes in high-throughput sequencing count data, especially cell compositions from scRNA-seq |
scGen | Ref | Python | Generative model to predict single-cell perturbation response across cell types, studies and species |
sc-LVM | Ref | R, Python | Modelling framework for single-cell RNA-seq data |
scPower | Ref | R | R package for design and power analysis of cell type specific interindividual DE and eQTL studies using single cell RNA-seq |
SCRAT | Ref | R | Single Cell R Analysis Toolkit |
scVELO | Ref | Python | Scalable toolkit for RNA velocity analysis in single cells, RNA velocity generalized through dynamical modeling |
Sfaira | Ref | Python | Model and data repository in a single python package |
slalom | Ref | R, Python | Scalable modelling framework for single-cell RNA-seq data that uses gene set annotations to dissect single-cell transcriptome heterogeneity |
Squidpy | Ref | Python | Analysis and visualization of spatial molecular data |
StemID2 | Ref | R | Algorithm for the inference of differentiation trajectories and the stem cell identity from single-cell RNA-seq data |
stochprofML | Ref | R | Tool to infer single-cell regulatory states from expression measurements taken from small groups of cells (averaging-and-deconvolution approach) |
Vireo | Ref | Python | Variational Inference for Reconstructing Ensemble Origins, Bayesian demultiplexing of pooled single-cell RNA-seq data without genotype reference |
waddR | Ref | R | Fast identification of differential distributions in single-cell RNA-sequencing, based on the 2-Wasserstein distance |
zUMIs | Ref | R | Fast and flexible pipeline to process (single-cell) RNA sequencing data with UMIs |
Further software tools
Selection of popular software:
BackSPIN | Ref | Python | Biclustering algorithm developed taking into account intrinsic features of single-cell RNA-seq experiments |
Cellity | Ref | R | Classification of low quality cells in scRNA-seq data using R |
CellRanger | R, Python | Set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single cell 3’ RNA-seq output to align reads, generate gene-cell matrices and perform clustering and gene expression analysis | |
CIDR | Ref | R | Clustering through Imputation and Dimensionality Reduction, ultrafast algorithm which uses a novel yet very simple ‘implicit imputation’ approach to alleviate the impact of dropouts in scRNA-Seq data in a principled manner |
inferCNV | Ref | R | Infer Copy Number Variation using single-cell RNA-seq expression data |
MAGIC | Ref | R, Python | Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells |
MAST | Ref | R | Model-based Analysis of Single-cell Transcriptomics, fits a two-part, generalized linear models that are specially adapted for bimodal and/or zero-inflated single cell gene expression data |
MIMOSCA | Ref | Python | Multiple Input Multiple Output Single Cell Analysis |
Monocle | Ref | R | Differential expression and time-series analysis for single-cell RNA-seq |
SC3 | Ref | R | Interactive tool for the unsupervised clustering of cells from single cell RNA-seq experiments |
SCDE | Ref | R | Differential expression using error models and overdispersion-based identification of important gene sets |
SCENIC | Ref | R, Python | Tool to infer gene regulatory networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data |
scImpute | Ref | R | Accurate and robust imputation of scRNA-seq data |
scran | Ref | R | Package that implements a variety of low-level analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data (methods for normalization of cell-specific biases, pool-based norms to estimate size factors, assignment of cell cycle phase, and detection of highly variable and significantly correlated genes) |
SCUBA | Ref | R | Single-cell Clustering Using Bifurcation Analysis, computational method for extracting lineage relationships from single-cell gene expression data, and modeling the dynamic changes associated with cell differentiation |
Seurat | Ref | R | Easy-to-use implementations of commonly used analytical techniques, including the identification of highly variable genes, dimensionality reduction (PCA, ICA, t-SNE), standard unsupervised clustering algorithms (density clustering, hierarchical clustering, k-means), and the discovery of differentially expressed genes and markers |
SIMLR | Ref | R, Python | Single-cell Interpretation via Multi-kernel LeaRning which learns an appropriate distance metric from the data for dimension reduction, clustering and visualization |
SPADE | Ref | R | Visualization and cellular hierarchy inference of single-cell data |
Splatter | Ref | R | Simple simulation of single-cell RNA sequencing data |
TraCeR | Ref | Python | Reconstruction of T cell receptor sequences from single-cell RNA-seq data |
TSCAN | Ref | R | Pseudo-time reconstruction and evaluation in single-cell RNA-seq analysis |
velocyto | Ref | R, Python | Estimating RNA velocity in single cell RNA sequencing datasets |
Wishbone | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Wishbone is an algorithm to align single cells along developmental trajectories with branches |
ZIFA | Ref | Python | Zero-inflated dimensionality reduction algorithm for single-cell data |
sc-Multi-assay data integration
Software tools from SCOG partners
epiScanpy | Ref | Python | Computational framework for the analysis of single-cell DNA methylation and single-cell ATAC-seq data |
MOFA+ | Ref | R/Python | Statistical framework for comprehensive integration of multi-modal single-cell data |
MUON | Ref | R/Python | Multimodal omics analysis, data standard and analysis framework for multi-omics, designed to organise, analyse, visualise, and exchange multimodal data |
Further software tools
ArchR | Ref | R | Full-featured R package for processing and analyzing single-cell ATAC-seq data, providing the most extensive suite of scATAC-seq analysis tools and excelling in both speed and resource usage. ArchR also supports paired scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq analysis. |
bindSC | Ref | R | Bi-order INtegration of multi-omics Data from Single Cell sequencing technologies |
CellWalker | Ref | R | Method that integrates single-cell open chromatin (scATAC-seq) data with gene expression (RNA-seq) and other data types using a network model that simultaneously improves cell labeling in noisy scATAC-seq and annotates cell type-specific regulatory elements in bulk data |
clonealign | Ref | R | Bayesian inference of clone-specific gene expression estimates by integrating single-cell RNA-seq and single-cell DNA-seq data |
coupleCoC | Ref | MATLAB | Coupled co-clustering-based unsupervised transfer learning algorithm for the integrative analysis of multimodal single-cell data |
Coupled NMF | Ref | Python | Integrative analysis of single cell genomics data by coupled nonnegative matrix factorizations |
DC3 | Ref | Python | De-Convolution and Coupled-Clustering, method for the joint analysis of various bulk and single-cell data such as HiChIP, RNA-seq and ATAC-seq from the same heterogeneous cell population. DC3 can simultaneously identify distinct subpopulations, assign single cells to the subpopulations (i.e., clustering) and de-convolve the bulk data into subpopulation-specific data. |
Harmony | Ref | R/Python | Fast, sensitive and accurate integration of single-cell data |
LIGER | Ref | R | Package for integrating and analyzing multiple single-cell datasets (e.g., scRNAseq and spatial transcriptomics data, scMethylation, or scATAC-seq), relying on integrative non-negative matrix factorization to identify shared and dataset-specific factors |
MATCHER | Ref | Python | Manifold Alignment to CHaracterize Experimental Relationships, approach for integrating multiple types of single cell measurements |
NIC | Ref | MATLAB | Network-based integrative clustering algorithm, identification of cell types by fusing the parallel single-cell transcriptomic (scRNA-seq) and epigenomic profiles (scATAC-seq or DNA methylation) |
MIRA | Ref | Python | Probabilistic Multimodal Models for Integrated Regulatory Analysis, a comprehensive methodology that systematically contrasts transcription and accessibility to infer the regulatory circuitry driving cells along developmental trajectories |
scAI | Ref | R | single-cell aggregation and integration (scAI) approach to integrate transcriptomic and epigenomic profiles (i.e., chromatin accessibility or DNA methylation) that are derived from the same cells, taking into consideration the extremely sparse and near-binary nature of single-cell epigenomic data |
SCALEX | Ref | Python | Deep-learning method that integrates single-cell data by projecting cells into a batch-invariant, common cell-embedding space in a truly online manner |
scAMACE | Ref | R/Python | Integrative Analysis of single-cell Methylation, chromatin ACcessibility, and gene Expression |
Scarf | Ref | Python | Single-cell atlases, refreshed, toolkit for highly memory efficient analysis of single-cell RNA-Seq, scATAC-Seq and CITE-Seq data. Analyze atlas scale datasets with millions of cells on laptop |
SCIM | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Single-Cell data Integration via Matching, a method to match cells across different single-cell ’omics technologies |
scMC | Ref | R | Single-cell data integration method to match and compare (scMC) multiple single-cell genomics datasets, toolkit for integrating and comparing multiple single cell genomic datasets from single cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq experiments across different conditions, time points and tissues |
sc-compReg | Ref | R | Single-Cell Comparative Regulatory analysis, R package that provides coupled clustering and joint embedding of scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq on one sample, and performs comparative gene regulatory analysis between two conditions |
Signac | Ref | R | Signac is an extension of Seurat for the analysis, interpretation, and exploration of single-cell chromatin datasets |
SingleCellFusion | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Tool to integrate single-cell transcriptome and epigenome data |
TRIPOD | Ref | R | Detecting Transcriptional Regulatory Relationships in Single-Cell RNA and Chromatin Accessibility Multiomic Data, nonparametric approach to detect and characterize three-way relationships between a TF, its target gene, and the accessibility of the TF’s binding site, using single-cell RNA and ATAC multiomic data |
UnionCom | Ref | Python | Unsupervised topological alignment of single-cell multi-omics integration |
Other single cell software
Software tools from SCOG partners
ASHLEYS | Ref | Python | Automated Selection of High quality Libraries for the Extensive analYsis of Strandseq data, utomated quality control for single-cell Strand-seq data |
BaSiC | Ref | Tool for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images, improves continuous single-cell quantification through correction of temporal drift in time-lapse microscopy data | |
CellPhy | Ref | R | Maximum likelihood framework for inferring phylogenetic trees from somatic single-cell single-nucleotide variants |
DeepFlow | Ref | Python | Data analysis workflow for imaging flow cytometry that combines deep convolutional neural networks with non-linear dimension reduction |
SpatialDE | Ref | Jupyter Notebook | Method to identify genes which significantly depend on spatial coordinates in non-linear and non-parametric ways (spatially resolved RNA-sequencing from e.g. spatial transcriptomics, in situ gene expression measurements from e.g. SeqFISH or MERFISH) |
tTt and qTfy | Ref | Enabling single- cell tracking and quantification of cellular and molecular properties in time-lapse imaging data |
External lists of single cell tools
External lists of software tools
Awesome single cell | List of software packages and data resources for single-cell, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc. |
omicX | Platform that provides real-time access to the pathways used by life science practitioners in their published works, includes |
scRNA tools | Table of tools for the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data |
scRNA-seq notes | List of scRNA-seq analysis tools |