SCOG Virtual Lecture Series
‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Omics’:
5. Julio Saez-Rodriguez (Heidelberg University)
We are excited to announce the next speaker in our SCOG Virtual Lecture Series ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Omics’: Julio Saez-Rodriguez (Heidelberg University).
Friday July 3, 9.30 am (CEST)
Julio Saez-Rodriguez: ‘Extracting mechanistic insight from single-cell and spatial transcriptomics‘:
Single-cell technologies generate large datasets that allow us to study biomedical processes with unprecedented detail. These data could, in principle, shed light on the cellular communication mechanisms that control homeostasis in multi-cellular systems, and how these mechanisms go wrong in diseases ranging from cancer to heart failure. We have developed a set of tools for the analysis transcriptomic data, ranging from a meta-resource of biological knowledge (Omnipath) to methods to infer pathway and transcription factor activities (PROGENy and DoRothEA, respectively) from gene expression and subsequently infer causal paths among them (CARNIVAL). We have recently adopted these tools to single-cell data, supported by a comprehensive benchmark with in silico and real data. We have also developed approaches to analyze transcriptomic data with spatial resolution. In particular, our method MISTy is a flexible, scalable, and explainable machine learning framework for extracting interactions from spatial omics data. MISTy builds multiple views focusing on different spatial or functional contexts to dissect different effects. We have also integrated the aforementioned to estimate the activities of pathways and transcription factors in MISTy, enabling us the analysis of intercellular signaling in a spatial context. All our methods are freely available as R-packages. I will illustrate these strategies in ongoing studies of with unpublished data in various disease contexts that we are performing with clinical collaborators.
Further information on participation, the program and the application for a lecture can be found below.
Virtual lecture series ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Omics’
Biweekly event on Fridays at 9:30 am (CEST)
30 min presentation, followed by 15 min discussion / Q&A
The virtual lecture series includes biweekly presentations about current single cell research. In addition to selected presentations by invited guests, we would particularly like to offer SCOG partners a platform to present their work to the network (read below how to apply).
The program will be updated regularly (see schedule below).
The Virtual Lecture Series takes place via GoToWebinar. Please register in order to receive information on how to join the webinar. REGISTER HERE.
Apply for lecture
We would kindly like to encourage the SCOG community not only to participate as an attendee but to present their work to the community. All contributions are welcome.
If you are a SCOG partner (PI/group leader) and would like to give a talk during the lecture series, please APPLY BY COMPLETING THIS FORM.
Please note that a balanced representation of topics, institutes and gender will be ensured in the selection of applications.
Hourly Schedule
Friday 08 May 2020
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Leveraging the Lung Cell Atlas to study SARS-COV-2
- Fabian Theis (HMGU Munich)
Friday 22 May 2020
- 1pn - 1:45pm
- Dissecting regulatory trajectories during embryonic development at single cell resolution
- Eileen Furlong (EMBL Heidelberg)
Friday 05 June 2020
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Cell-type specialization in the brain is encoded by specific long-range chromatin topologies
- Ana Pombo (BIMSB/MDC Berlin)
Friday 19 June
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Single Cell Omics on COVID-19 in DeCOI
- Joachim L. Schultze (DZNE Bonn)
Friday 03 July
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Extracting mechanistic insight from single-cell and spatial transcriptomics
- Julio Saez-Rodriguez (Heidelberg University)
Friday 17 July
- 10am - 10:45am
- 'Using spatially resolved transcriptomics to study early mammalian development'
- John Marioni (EMBL-EBI/Sanger Institute Hinxton)
Friday 28 August
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Single-cell decoding of gene regulatory programs
- Uwe Ohler (MDC/BIMSB Berlin)
Friday 11 September
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- Revealing Dynamics of Gene Expression Variability in Cell State Space
- Dominic Grün (MPI-IE Freiburg)
Friday 25 September
- 9:30am - 10:15am
- tbd
- tbd