SCOG Virtual Workshop ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Epigenomics 2021’
We are excited to announce our upcoming virtual SCOG workshop ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Epigenomics 2021‘.
The two-day workshop, taking place on 20 – 21 October 2021, will be chaired by Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken) and Maria Colomé-Tatché (HMGU Munich) and will provide an overview of the latest findings and developments in the field of single cell epigenomics.
- Plenary talks by invited speakers
- Selected Rapid Fire Talks by partners and members of the network
- Moderated general discussions
Confirmed Speakers:
- Andrew Adey (OHSU Portland, US)
- Catherine A. Blish (Stanford University, US)
- Gonçalo Castelo-Branco (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE)
- Elana Fertig (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US)
- Ana Pombo (MDC Berlin, DE)
- Steffen Rulands (MPI PKS Dresden, DE)
Rapid Fire Talks:
- We invite all partners and members of the network to apply for a Rapid Fire Talk (short presentation of up to 10min). Abstract Deadline: closed
- Please register in order to receive information on how to join the virtual workshop via the Video Conferencing Tool Zoom. REGISTER HERE
Hourly Schedule
<b>20 October:</b></br> Session I: Spatial epigenomics and chromatin conformation</br><small>Chair: Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)</small>
- 3.00 - 3.10
- Welcome
- Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)
- 3.10 - 3.40
- From sequence to space and time in single-cell genomics
- Steffen Rulands (MPI PKS Dresden, DE)
- 3.40 - 4.10
- Specialization of 3D genome topologies in specific cell types and states
- Ana Pombo (MDC Berlin)
- 4.10 - 4.40
- Short Talks
- <b>Multi-omic single-cell profiling reveals nuclear envelope release precedes gene activation during mouse embryogenesis</b></br>Michael Robson (MPI-MG Berlin)</br></br><b>epiAneufinder: Leveraging scATAC data to identify CNVs</b></br>Aikaterini Symeonidi (HMGU Munich)
- 4.40 - 4.50
- Short Break
- 4.50 - 5.20
- High-content single-cell epigenomics
- Andrew Adey (OHSU Portland, US)
- 5.20 - 5.50
- General moderated dicsussion
<b>21 October:</b></br>Session II: Multi-omics, integrative analysis and disease </br><small>Chair: Maria Colomé-Tatché (HMGU Munich)</small>
- 3.00 - 3.05
- Opening Remarks
- 3.05 - 3.35
- Single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics of oligodendroglia in neural development and in multiple sclerosis
- Gonçalo Castelo-Branco (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE)
- 3.35 - 4.05
- tbd
- Elana Fertig (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US)
- 4.05 - 4.35
- Short Talks
- <b>Single-cell chromatin accessibility and transcriptional heterogeneity signatures of mouse liver metabolic zonation in aging</b></br>Niklas Kleinenkuhnen (MPI Age, Cologne)</br></br><b>Chromatin and gene-regulatory dynamics of the developing human cerebral cortex at single-cell resolution</b></br>Fabian Müller (USAAR, Saarbrücken)
- 4.35 - 4.45
- Short Break
- 4.45 - 5.15
- Innate immune dysregulation in COVID-19
- Catherine Blish (Stanford University, US)
- 5.15 - 5.45
- General moderated discussion
- 5.45 - 5.50
- Closing Remarks
- Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)