



More Info



Oct 20 - 21 2021


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


SCOG event

SCOG Virtual Workshop ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Epigenomics 2021’

We are excited to announce our upcoming virtual SCOG workshop ‘Recent Advances in Single Cell Epigenomics 2021‘.


The two-day workshop, taking place on 20 – 21 October 2021, will be chaired by Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken) and Maria Colomé-Tatché (HMGU Munich) and will provide an overview of the latest findings and developments in the field of single cell epigenomics.


  • Plenary talks by invited speakers
  • Selected Rapid Fire Talks by partners and members of the network
  • Moderated general discussions
Confirmed Speakers:
  • Andrew Adey (OHSU Portland, US)
  • Catherine A. Blish (Stanford University, US)
  • Gonçalo Castelo-Branco (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE)
  • Elana Fertig (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US)
  • Ana Pombo (MDC Berlin, DE)
  • Steffen Rulands (MPI PKS Dresden, DE)
Rapid Fire Talks:
  • We invite all partners and members of the network to apply for a Rapid Fire Talk (short presentation of up to 10min). Abstract Deadline: closed 
  • Please register in order to receive information on how to join the virtual workshop via the Video Conferencing Tool Zoom. REGISTER HERE

Hourly Schedule

<b>20 October:</b></br> Session I: Spatial epigenomics and chromatin conformation</br><small>Chair: Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)</small>

3.00 - 3.10
Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)
3.10 - 3.40
From sequence to space and time in single-cell genomics
Steffen Rulands (MPI PKS Dresden, DE)
3.40 - 4.10
Specialization of 3D genome topologies in specific cell types and states
Ana Pombo (MDC Berlin)
4.10 - 4.40
Short Talks
<b>Multi-omic single-cell profiling reveals nuclear envelope release precedes gene activation during mouse embryogenesis</b></br>Michael Robson (MPI-MG Berlin)</br></br><b>epiAneufinder: Leveraging scATAC data to identify CNVs</b></br>Aikaterini Symeonidi (HMGU Munich)
4.40 - 4.50
Short Break
4.50 - 5.20
High-content single-cell epigenomics
Andrew Adey (OHSU Portland, US)
5.20 - 5.50
General moderated dicsussion

<b>21 October:</b></br>Session II: Multi-omics, integrative analysis and disease </br><small>Chair: Maria Colomé-Tatché (HMGU Munich)</small>

3.00 - 3.05
Opening Remarks
3.05 - 3.35
Single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics of oligodendroglia in neural development and in multiple sclerosis
Gonçalo Castelo-Branco (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE)
3.35 - 4.05
Elana Fertig (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US)
4.05 - 4.35
Short Talks
<b>Single-cell chromatin accessibility and transcriptional heterogeneity signatures of mouse liver metabolic zonation in aging</b></br>Niklas Kleinenkuhnen (MPI Age, Cologne)</br></br><b>Chromatin and gene-regulatory dynamics of the developing human cerebral cortex at single-cell resolution</b></br>Fabian Müller (USAAR, Saarbrücken)
4.35 - 4.45
Short Break
4.45 - 5.15
Innate immune dysregulation in COVID-19
Catherine Blish (Stanford University, US)
5.15 - 5.45
General moderated discussion
5.45 - 5.50
Closing Remarks
Jörn Walter (USAAR Saarbrücken)